How to Curl Your Lashes Without Eyelash Curler

For some people, an eyelash curler is a must-have item in their makeup bag. Nobody likes straight eyelashes. Curled eyelashes create the illusion of wider eyes. And they make your face come alive. But, what happens when you don't have an eyelash curler on standby? Some people have had eyelash curling mishaps using a lash curler and vowed never to use an eyelash curler again. Are they destined to have straight, unattractive lashes for the rest of their lives?

There are many effective ways to curl your eyelashes without using an eyelash curler. Keep reading to find out how to curl your eyelashes without an eyelash curler.

How to Curl your Lashes Without an Eyelash Curler

Here we listed the most effective ways to curl your lashes without an eyelash curler.

Note that the fingers method is the least effective method for curling your eyelashes without an eyelash curler.

Finger Method

Finger Method

Start with your clean lashes to reduce the mess involved in using this method—warm-up your fingers by running your hands under some warm water or rubbing your hands together.

Use your pointer finger to hold up your lashes against the top of your eye for about 30 seconds. Repeat this with your lower lashes as well.

Apply mascara on your eyelashes to set the curl. 2 coats of mascara should do the trick. Use your mascara wand to hold up your lashes until the mascara dries up.

Spoon Method

You'll need a teaspoon to use this method of curling your eyelashes, not a large one. Your goal should be to let the spoon sit over your eye so that its curve matches that of your eyelid.

Take a clean spoon and run it over some hot water to warm it up. The heat of the metal will create a curl in your eyelashes. Think of it as using a curling iron for your lashes. Dry the spoon once it's warmed up.

Hold the spoon against your eyelid. Remember that you're aiming to align the spoon's curve with the natural curve of your eye. The bottom of the spoon should be against your eyelid. Press the lashes against the turn of the spoon using your fingers.

Hold your lashes against the spoon for about thirty seconds. Repeat the whole process for the second eye. Note that you have to warm up the spoon again before repeating the process on the other eye.

Apply some mascara to help the curl stay in place. If you experience clumping, use an eyelash comb to comb through your lashes and separate them.

Mascara Wand Method

Mascara Wand Method

This method of curling your eyelashes without an eyelash curler involves using mascara. Many people are familiar with this method. The success of this eyelash curling method is dependent on the quality of your mascara. We advise you to buy a good quality curling mascara. You would not recommend you to use water-proof mascara daily. It could damage your eyelashes because it is difficult to remove without an eyelash remover.

Use the curved side of your mascara brush to apply your mascara. Tip: rather than pump your mascara brush in and out of its container, twist it. You get more mascara on the product this way. Then use the concave side of your mascara brush to hug your lashes and pull them upwards. This is what creates the curling effect.

Cotton Swab Method

Our final method on how to curl your eyelashes without a curler is to use a cotton swab. First, you need to apply some mascara. Use one or two coats of mascara (it depends on your preference)

You don't have to wait for your lashes to get dry before you try to curl them. Use the plastic section of a cotton swab to push your lashes upward and hold that position for about 30 seconds. You can also use a cuticle pusher or orangewood stick for this method. Any item that is thin and long is appropriate.

This last step is optional. Pass a blowdryer on warm or low heat setting over your eyelashes to help the mascara dry faster. Do not use a high heat setting for this step because the hot hair could hurt your eyes.

Benefits of Curling your Eyelashes without a Curler

There are a few benefits to skipping your lash curler; we listed a few of them below.

Lower Risk of Infection: Curling your eyelashes without an eyelash curler can lower your risk of infection. It would help if you cleaned your eyelash curlers regularly. When you don't clean them, they can cake up mascara over time. This leads to a buildup of bacteria, and the eyelash curlers become less effective. Your eyes are one of the most sensitive organs on the body, and exposing them to the bacteria on your eyelash curlers could lead to a nasty infection.

It Doesn't Wear Down Lashes: when you use your eyelash curlers too frequently, it can wear down your eyelashes. This is caused by all the crimping and clamping of the lash curler on your lashes. And this applies to people who use it correctly too. When you continuously have to curl your lashes using a curler because it is an integral part of your routine, your lashes will fall out and come out with a less full fringe.

It is Cheaper: curling your eyelashes without a curler only requires a few household items such as a spoon or cotton swabs. These are items that cost insignificant amounts. They are often readily available and thus cost you nothing to curl your lashes before you head out.

Lowered Risk of Ripping Out your Lashes: This is a significant cause of concern for many people. We've heard stories of people losing a handful of lashes to their curlers. Some take it in good faith and forge on, but others never recover from the incident.


Whether you stopped using eyelash curlers because of a curling malfunction or for personal reasons, you don't have to give up having curly eyelashes. Try one of the effective methods to curl eyelashes without an eyelash curler and tell us of the results.

How to Curl Your Lashes Without Eyelash Curler


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